I've come across some stuff lately about marriage and parenting that I think is worth pondering...
About MarriageWhat is the #1 predictor of divorce? This article gives the answer and then goes on to share some good encouraging truths like this:
"Couples need to know what the research has found: that every happy,
successful couple has
approximately ten areas of "incompatibility"
or disagreement that they will never resolve.
Instead, the
successful couples learn how to manage the disagreements and live life
"around" them
– to love in spite of their areas of difference, and
to develop understanding and empathy for
their partner's positions."
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How do affairs happen? Here is an interesting interview with a mega-church Pastor who reflects on how and why he had an affair.
Aspects of my marriage seemed unfulfilling, so I thought: what harm would there be in a bit of attention from others? Again…pure selfishness and I swallowed the deceptions hook, line and sinker. It's a subtle slide. I should have remembered, most sin is all fun at first. Or said another way: I had already bought before I ever saw the price.
Some good questions to ask ourselves:
If my marriage could
speak what would it say?
What would it be like to be married to me?
About Parenting
Dad, are you trying to be to cool?
Be the adult! Be the loving, compassionate, tender, but very-much-in-charge parent! It’s one of life’s ironies: that the one thing kids say they don’t want (rules and limits) is what they need.
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Are parents more happy than non-parents? Should they be?
"When it comes to happiness, we must aim for something higher..." read more
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