One of the common themes among blogs that I read is a subtle condescension towards mega-churches. They are easy to be critical of. Here is a blog comment response by the Lead Pastor of a large church. According to this site it is legitimately from Andy Stanley from North Point.
I'm writing to apologize for the size of North Point Community Church. When six of us gathered to think through the idea of beginning a church we had no idea that it would become so large. For this growth I am truly sorry. I realize that the size is intimidating.
I have read the comments on this site and have decided to make some changes. To begin with I am going to spend time with each and every parishioner so that they can get to know me personally. Like many of you, I wouldn't want to attend a church where I could not connect personally with the pastor. I've shared this with my wife and three kids. They are in complete agreement. So beginning next Sunday I will be at the back door to shake hands.
Secondly, I am going to suggest to our elders that we sell our three campuses, consolidate, and move the church into a much smaller building. Smaller space will mean smaller crowds. And apparently large crowds are unbiblical. I agree, the church should be no larger than 40 to 50 people. Most of whom are believers.
Regarding my shallow, simplistic preaching...for this I am truly sorry. I am doing the best I can. I know deeper is better. I'm just not deep. I'm not really sure what to do about that.
These changes will take some time. Please be patient. If you have any helpful suggestions as to how I can transition North Point Community Church into a church made up of a handful of believers who enjoy deep preaching please let me know.
On a positive note, the 8,000 adults who meet in groups of 8 to 12 in homes throughout our community can continue to meet in spite of the fact that they will no longer be able to worship together.
Thank you for your valuable insights. And please accept my apology.
Andy Stanley
Pastor, North Point Community
Sounds like Andy is finally coming to his senses, eh?
Posted by: Brian Mullins | September 08, 2005 at 21:10
some say he's coming to his senses, others say he's lost his mind. in one series of decades the trend was toward mega-churches. in more recent decades, toward mini or micro churches. i think each has it's pros & cons & that size is not what kills or causes spiritual transformation, intimacy with God & others, & wonder & awe at grace & the life of kamikazi service we're called to. too easy to look at & blame externals of mega-church for the internal work that we ourselves often fail at pursuing & integrating into our lives. big church or small church are really only externals. they are relevant externals, mind you, but there is something much more relevant required to bring us into the mega-Life & appropriate smallness our inward hearts are crying out for. too easy to blame sermons & size for the degree of spiritual stagnancy we encounter in ourselves. too hard to blame ourselves. does size matter? maybe it does, but not as much as we think it might.
Posted by: l. koons | September 11, 2005 at 03:57